Ron Freitas
For San Joaquin County District Attorney
As a Prosecutor for the DA’s Office for over 30 years, Ron Freitas brings a unique set of skills that help guarantee we have the safe and secure schools our children deserve, as well as, ethics and integrity to promote a transparent and responsive leadership. During this unprecedented time, its now more important than ever that we have a District Attorney who reflects our values. Support Ron Freitas and help us elect a District Attorney with Common Sense who shares our values!
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We Support Ron Freitas for DA!

About Ron Freitas
In 2017, I was proud to be named the California District Attorneys Association Instructor of the Year. I am, currently, Co-Chair of the California District Attorney’s Association Gang Violence Suppression Committee and am proud to have the support of the San Joaquin County Deputy Sheriffs Association and the Lodi and Stockton Police Officers Associations.
I am the current President of the Lodi Unified School Board and past Vice-President. In 2016, I served as President of the Measure U campaign where voters approved $280 million to increase school security, provide new construction and needed classroom renovations. I am Past President and current Board of Director for Giving Opportunities to Kids (GOT Kids) Foundation which raised over $750,000 for needy Lodi Unified students to have a fuller educational experience. I am also a member of the California School Boards Association and the San Joaquin School Boards Association.

The safety of our neighborhoods is important to me. I raised my family in our community. My daughters are Lodi Unified graduates, and my grandson graduated from LUSD in 2020. With your support, I will bring stability and common sense to our District Attorney’s Office.
"The San Joaquin County Probation Officers Association has full faith that Ron will take this responsibility seriously, and will give everything he has to make our County a safer, and better place to live."
Jordan Richards